Film Financing Deals 101: Tips, Tricks and Overview

MORE DEALS…. (“Money. Money. Money.”)

I was cranky yesterday and yelled “No one owns an idea”. Then I went on to tell you that if you take your thought, which you do not own, and type it into a 2-3 page, double-spaced treatment then you have something that “You can own”.

A Treatment is a thing. An idea is just a thought.

Now, let’s assume that you have taken your idea (aka: thought), which you do not own, and actually worked (typed for 15-30 minutes) and have written it into a treatment, that is registered with the Writer’s Guild ($20), you now have a small shot at being a deal-maker.

So, let’s talk some deals from last week.

1) JACKIE CHAN is teaming with a Chinese company (Talent International management) to produce and star in an English language action-comedy.
POI: China is massively growing. Last year there were only 2,400 screens in China, this year 5,100 and by 20125 it is projected to have almost as many as America. Thus, China is taking baby steps (Jackie Chan) in producing features that can go to Hollywood
PHONE: 310-285-9000
DEAL-MAKERS: Bloom & Hergott
PHONE: 310-859-6800

2) JENNIFER LOPEZ: How much money can one woman make. Step aside Oprah. Anyway, J-Lo is expanding into developing a one-hour tv drama about a lesbian couple for ABC Family. Wait a second. “A Lesbian show for ABC Family”?
PHONE: 310-273-6300
DEAL-MAKERS: Barry Hirsch & Robert Wallerstein
PHONE: 310-703-1700

3) CHRISTINE LAHTI: Is set to have a recurring role on “HAWAII Five-0”, playing a dead mother (alleged dead mother) of McGarrett. Now, here’s why! The key to success for any tv series is to go for either 5-years or 10-years of episodes. Why? Once you reach 100 episodes (5-years) the show takes on an additional bonus value of $150-$250 Million. If the show, goes 10 years and 200 episodes then it is worth a bonus of an additional $1.5-$2.5 Billion (Yes, B for Billion) and now you know why actors want 2-5% of the backend. And, it seems that “Hawaii Five-O” is getting close to one of these goals. When this occurs the producers pulls out cool casting gimmicks to give the show another year of life.
PHONE: 310-550-4000
DEAL-MAKER: Management 360
PHONE: 310-272-7000

Have you noticed that I just posted “deals” with women. Thus, you have an idea…then you must own something… make that idea into a thing… Register ($20) & Copyright ($35) it. Then pick the female names you like, get their agents and attorneys phone numbers and call.

Don’t make it complicated.

Happy Filmmaking, The Filmbay Team,
*Produce *Finance *Write *Direct *Distribute *Profit

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