Who is best? Director of Photography, Cinematographer, or AD?

WANT TO MAKE A FILM… GET A PM & AD (“They Know the A-Z”)
(For all Tips… Go To “FB” https://www.facebook.com/Filmbay … Click “LIKES” & “SHARE”)

Want to make a movie? Without a doubt the “DP” (Director of Photography, sometimes called a Cinematographer) is the most important person to hire. Next comes the “PM” & “AD” (Production Manager and Assistant Director), then comes the “PD” (Production Designer), then the “PC” (Production Coordinator), then comes everyone else…but probably the least important person, most of the time, and it probably is you, is the Director.

So, if you want to Direct and you want make a feature film but you have never done it before then you better surround yourself with crew that know what they’re doing and can protect you.

Again: The most important person to hire is the DP and please hire a DP who is a DP, not a DP who is an AC (Assistant Cameraman) and definitely do not hire a DP who is fresh out of a theory laden 4-year film program.

Back to “PM” & “AD”

Let’s assume that you have hired a DP-who-is-a-DP then he/she, with the 4-6 years of experience and the 40-60 shoots that he/she has done, will know many PMs & ADs.

Want is/are PMs & ADs?

A “PM” is a short name for a Production Manager.

An “AD” is a short name for an Assistant Director.

What do they do? Why are they important? What is the difference?

They work together; they are both in charge of organization, schedule and logistics…nothing creative. They are mechanics that are neat and organized.

The “PM” (Production Manager) thinks “later today” and “tomorrow”.

Where to find them? Where to start? When in doubt contact your local film commissioner…they will know.

IMPORTANT POINT: Never-ever let the Director hire the AD & PM unless the Director has worked with them and the shoot went perfect. It is always best to have the “DP” recommend and possibly hire the AD & PM.

Wrapup: Want to direct? Never did it before. Then get (1st) a DP who-is-a-DP and then (2nd) he/she will get you a PM and an AD.

Happy Filmmaking, The Filmbay Team,
*Produce *Finance *Write *Direct *Distribute *Profit

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